🍇Sight Oracle

Sight Oracle is a cutting-edge computation oracle designed to empower users with the ability to delegate computations over encrypted data using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) technology. It ensures secure and fair computations, elevating the standards of privacy and fairness within the Web3 ecosystem.

Key Features

  1. Compatibility with Multiple Blockchains:

    • Sight Oracle is compatible with a variety of heterogeneous blockchain networks, including EVM chains, Solana, and TON. This broad compatibility allows it to serve a wide range of applications and users within the decentralized ecosystem.

  2. Support for Multiple FHE Schemes:

    • Supporting multiple FHE schemes such as CKKS and TFHE, Sight Oracle provides flexibility and robustness in handling various types of encrypted data computations. This ensures that users can choose the most suitable encryption method for their specific needs.

  3. Decentralized Computation Network:

    • Sight Oracle utilizes a decentralized network of Oracle Service Nodes. Each node processes computation requests independently, ensuring robustness and reliability in the computation results. The decentralized nature of the network also enhances security and trust in the computation process.

  4. Effortless Integration and Use:

    • Users can store and compute encrypted values within the Sight Oracle Network seamlessly, without requiring in-depth knowledge of FHE or the need to use complex FHE libraries. This user-friendly approach facilitates broader adoption and integration of advanced cryptographic techniques.

By leveraging these features, Sight Oracle provides a robust, secure, and user-friendly solution for privacy-preserving computations. Its advanced capabilities make it an essential tool for developers, enterprises, and organizations aiming to enhance their data privacy and security practices within the Web3 ecosystem.

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