A Fairer Prediction Markets with Sight Oracle

Introduction to Prediction Markets

Prediction markets are a powerful tool in decentralized finance (DeFi) and beyond, allowing participants to speculate on the outcome of future events. These markets are structured around the principles of collective intelligence, where the aggregation of individual predictions can often yield surprisingly accurate forecasts. From predicting the outcome of elections to forecasting financial market trends, prediction markets have a broad range of applications.

However, like many decentralized systems, prediction markets are not immune to potential manipulation. The integrity of these markets is heavily dependent on the fairness and transparency of their operations. In traditional prediction markets, the risk of manipulation is significant, particularly when those with vested interests, such as pool owners or influential participants, can impact the final outcome. In this page we explain how the integration of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) and the Sight Oracle can mitigate these risks, ensuring a more equitable and transparent environment for all participants.

The Vulnerabilities of Traditional Prediction Markets

To understand the advantages of using Sight Oracle to enhance prediction markets with FHE, it's essential first to grasp the vulnerabilities inherent in traditional systems. In a typical prediction market, participants place bets or make predictions on specific outcomes. The market operates under the assumption that the outcome will be determined fairly, and the winnings distributed based on the accuracy of the predictions.

However, several factors can undermine the fairness of this process:

  1. Information Asymmetry: In many prediction markets, not all participants have access to the same information. Pool owners or participants with insider knowledge can leverage their position to influence the outcome or place bets that are unfairly advantageous.

  2. Manipulation by Pool Owners: The pool owner, who often has the authority to set the rules or even influence the outcome, can exploit their position. For instance, in a market predicting the price of a cryptocurrency, the pool owner might attempt to manipulate the market to ensure a particular outcome that benefits them financially.

  3. Collusion: Participants may collude to manipulate the market, agreeing on a specific outcome to maximize their collective profit. This not only undermines the integrity of the market but also diminishes the value of the predictions made by other participants.

  4. Lack of Transparency: Traditional prediction markets often lack transparency in how predictions are handled and outcomes are determined. This lack of transparency can lead to mistrust among participants, reducing overall market participation and effectiveness.

Introducing Fully Homomorphic Encryption to Prediction Markets

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a transformative technology that allows computations to be performed on encrypted data without the need to decrypt it. This capability is particularly powerful in the context of prediction markets, where the integrity of individual predictions and the fairness of the outcome are paramount.

By integrating FHE into prediction markets, several key benefits can be realized:

  1. Confidential Predictions: With FHE, participants can submit their predictions in an encrypted form. This means that even the pool owner cannot view the predictions until the market has closed and the actual outcome is determined. This confidentiality ensures that no participant, including the pool owner, can influence the outcome based on the knowledge of others' predictions.

  2. Immutable and Verifiable Outcomes: Once a prediction is submitted, it is encrypted and stored in a way that ensures it cannot be altered. After the event concludes and the outcome is known, the encrypted predictions can be decrypted and revealed. This process guarantees that the final market result is accurate and reflects the true predictions made by participants, free from tampering or manipulation.

  3. Reduced Manipulation Incentives: Because predictions are encrypted and unknown to others, the incentive for any participant to manipulate the outcome is significantly reduced. Without knowledge of how others have predicted, it becomes much harder to engineer a favorable outcome, thereby promoting a fairer market environment.

  4. Increased Trust and Participation: The transparency and fairness brought by FHE can help build trust among participants. When users are confident that the market operates fairly and that their predictions are secure, they are more likely to participate. This increased participation can lead to more accurate predictions, as the wisdom of the crowd is fully harnessed.

How Sight Oracle Enhances Prediction Markets

Sight Oracle, built on the principles of Fully Homomorphic Encryption, is a computational oracle that can be seamlessly integrated into prediction markets to enhance their fairness and transparency. Here's how Sight Oracle can be utilized:

  1. Pre-Encrypted Prediction Submission: Participants submit their predictions through Sight Oracle, which encrypts each prediction using FHE. This encryption ensures that predictions are secure and cannot be viewed by anyone, including the pool owner, until the final outcome is revealed.

  2. Automated and Secure Computation: Sight Oracle allows for the computation of potential payouts or other market-related calculations on the encrypted predictions without decrypting them. This ensures that all market operations are conducted securely and transparently, without exposing any participant’s data prematurely.

  3. Final Outcome Revelation: Once the event outcome is known, Sight Oracle can decrypt the predictions and reveal them in conjunction with the outcome. This process ensures that all participants can verify the fairness of the market, as the predictions and outcomes are transparently displayed.

  4. Auditability and Compliance: Sight Oracle provides a verifiable and auditable trail of how predictions were submitted, stored, and revealed. This transparency is crucial for compliance with regulatory standards, especially in sectors where prediction markets might intersect with financial regulations.

A Practical Example: Predicting Cryptocurrency Prices

To illustrate the advantages of using FHE and Sight Oracle in prediction markets, consider a market focused on predicting the price of a cryptocurrency pair (e.g., BTC/ETH) at a specific future date.

  1. Market Setup: The market is created with a pool where participants can submit their predictions on what the price of BTC/ETH will be at the close of a particular day.

  2. Prediction Submission: Each participant submits their prediction to the market via Sight Oracle. Their prediction is encrypted using FHE, ensuring that the predicted price is kept confidential.

  3. Market Operation: As the market operates, Sight Oracle performs any necessary computations on the encrypted predictions, such as calculating potential payouts, without revealing the actual predictions.

  4. Price Manipulation Prevention: Because the predictions are encrypted, neither the pool owner nor any participant knows the collective sentiment of the market. This lack of visibility reduces the incentive to manipulate the cryptocurrency market to influence the prediction market’s outcome.

  5. Outcome Determination: On the specified date, the actual price of BTC/ETH is determined and publicly disclosed. Sight Oracle then decrypts the predictions and reveals them to all participants.

  6. Fair Payout Distribution: Based on the decrypted predictions and the actual price, payouts are distributed to the participants. Since the entire process is transparent and verifiable, participants can trust that the payouts are fair and accurate.


The integration of Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Sight Oracle into prediction markets represents a transformative step towards enhancing fairness and transparency. By securely encrypting predictions and enabling computations on encrypted data, these technologies address the vulnerabilities that have traditionally plagued prediction markets, such as manipulation by pool owners and information asymmetry.

As prediction markets continue to grow in popularity and importance, the adoption of FHE and Sight Oracle will be crucial in ensuring that these markets remain trustworthy and reliable. With these innovations, participants can engage with confidence, knowing that their predictions are secure, the outcomes are fair, and the market operates with the highest levels of transparency.

The future of prediction markets is bright, and with the continued development and integration of cutting-edge technologies like FHE, we can look forward to a more equitable and trustworthy landscape for all participants.

Last updated